Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Assessment Of Shell s Corporate Social Responsibility

Topic: Assessment of shell’s corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria Executive Summary Oil for over a decade has been the main source of income for the Nigerian economy. It accounts for more than 70% of export.The Niger Delta region of Nigeria has been plagued with different negative effects of oil exploration. The environment, economy and even quality of human life have been greatly affected. This has created a lack of trust between the inhabitants and the oil companies, and even with the Nigerian government. Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) has been viewed in different ways by different school of thoughts; some see it has a voluntary initiative, while others think it’s a main part of every company’s structure and even an opportunity to improve brand. For this work, we would take the position of the later argument. It is simply giving back to the environment that you gain from. It involves protection of the environment, development of quality of the occupants of the environment and improving their quality of life. Like Barnard (1938), it is analyzing the social, economic, moral, legal and physical aspects of the environment. This project seeks to objectively analyze the activities of oil companies in this region. Shell, a major player in the oil industry of Nigeria received the spotlight. An extensive analysis of their CSR was done. This was achieved by comparing with different standards; notably the ISO26000. A review of the NigerianShow MoreRelatedDescription Of Royal Dutch Shell Plc1229 Words   |  5 Pages(a) Description of Royal Dutch Shell plc Royal Dutch Shell plc is a public limited company registered in England and Wales and headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands. It has three business segments: upstream, downstream and corporate. Upstream: focus on exploration for new liquids and natural gas reserves and on developing major new projects. 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