Monday, March 16, 2020

Modern Day Witch Trials Essays

Modern Day Witch Trials Essays Modern Day Witch Trials Essay Modern Day Witch Trials Essay Trial The Animation Preschool Abuse Trial was anything but quick and simple. The case lasted a total of seven years, and cost the government $1 5 million dollars (Source F). Peggy Animation Buckeye and her son Raymond along with a few other teachers were accused of a crime that would change their lives forever. The charges consisted of everything from animal sacrifice to pornography and satanic rituals. (Source D). It first began with Judy Johnson, mother of one of the preschools young children who claimed the teachers had molested her son; however, her mental illness schizophrenia) was withheld from the defense in court for three years. She caused a chain reaction that eventually led to 321 counts of child abuse involving 48 children (Source F). Children are susceptible to peer pressure. They are impelled to say things that are not true Just to please certain people, or to stop brutal interrogations. In both cases people were urged to believe in the children. They were heedless of the fact that there was no strong evidence to back up any of the stories, which also varied (Source C). Parents in the Animation Trial were encouraged to sit their kids down and eave them questioned for two hours. These types of allegations destroy careers and change (innocent) lives forever. A member of the Jury told reporters: The interview tapes were too biased; too leading. (Source E) In both cases people were c reating their own accusations with their own twisted thoughts. They turned what could have been innocent interpretations into the most horrid ideas. The phrase cold as a witchs teat, originated from the Salem Witch Trial. It was said that if a mole was pricked with a needle, and the person failed to bleed then they were a witch. Likewise, one kid in the Animation Trial did not like tuna; people rapidly shot to the conclusion that this was because he had been exposed to vaginal smells (Source C). Did it ever occur to these people that maybe the child simply disliked tuna? During the trial one particular prosecutor emphasized that Buckley did not always wear underwear, which was something they stumbled across during the investigation. It was nonetheless irrelevant to the serious charges he was facing (Source E). Investigators are largely at fault as well. They pressured the victims to give the response they were looking for. One child involved in the case later came back as an adult and said, Never did anyone do anything to me, and I never saw them doing anything. I said a lot of things that didnt happen. I lied Anytime I would give them an answer they didnt like, they would ask again and encourage me to give them the answer they were looking for Later analysis showed evidence of extremely suggestive methods of questioning that were used on the children, which wouldve lead to false allegations while others believe it may have led them to false memory syndrome. (Source F) The main point of learning about history is so that it doesnt peat itself; moreover, there are lessons to be learned from the Salem Witch Trials and the Animation Trial. In both situations everything was blown way out of proportion. Therefore, trials should have unbiased Judges, reliable sources, and we need to make sure that the people confessing dont have something to gain by their dishonesty (Source C). In 1990, Peggy Buckeye was acquitted, and not long before she D) Let that be a lesson. We cannot control the fact that hysteria is going to happen, but we can learn from previous events to take the right preventative measures (Source C).